Monday, March 28, 2011

Storms & Kongs

This picture was taken last week after a BIG storm went through. All day it had been in the mid to high sixties. When the Mrs. got home & let us out to potty, the sky was turning dark. We hurried up and got back inside & then the wind began to blow & rain & hail came pouring down. We are not normally scared of storms, but this one was a biggie!We followed (all 4 of us) the Mrs. around until it was over. We thought you might get a kick of how much ice was left after the storm.
Here I am enjoying my Kong. We usually get one every morning when we go into our crates. We are always excited & eager to see what we will get in them.
Today we had Sweet Potato shavings (baked to a crisp) & frozen peas with a little bit of mashed bananas!
Since Pauley James has allergies, we all stick to his diet. What is your pups favorite thing to have in their Kong?

Monday, March 21, 2011

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

there is a girl named Middy
who we think is quite pretty
she runs and she plays
in her foster home she stays
she would make a great friend
love you to the end
please have a heart
lets give this girl a fresh start!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Trip To The Lake

This weekend we got to go for a ride in the car. I was thinking we were probably going to the park again...

I was happy when we arrived that we were somewhere different! Boy, I smell something in the big pile of leaves!! What could it be???
Can you guess what my educated nose found?
AHA! A deer antler! What a treat...
If Pauley or any of my foster sisters think I am sharing this nugget of goodness, they are in for a surprise!

Well, it is pretty good but I am sure I will end up sharing...I'm not selfish...

After lots of walking and sniffing, we finally got to the lake. I still can't believe there can be so much water in one place!
My face may not show it here BUT I was having a wonderful time...

On the drive back home from Greenbo Lake, me and Pauley saw some cows! Did you know the milk humans drink comes from cows?
It really was a special day for me and Pauley...I hope we get to go again real soon!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Sleepy Girl

We have had a lot of rain here. The only thing we have been able to do is play with our toys

& then curl up and sleep.
Here is hoping for lovely weather!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Middy Sue Goes to the Park

Last weekend I went on an outing all by myself. Well, the people were with me, but no other doggies. I felt very special!
I got to cross over a bridge.......
and over to the pond. I watched a bunch of fish; they were bigger than my head!
The most exciting part was......
seeing all of the squirrels!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Window View

After seeing all of the other doggies with their window views, I convinced the people to move their furniture around. We now have a love seat in front of the window so that we can chill out & watch the goings on in the neighborhood!